Managing Go ePower Products

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Managing Go ePower Products

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Chapter 6: Managing Go ePower Products


This chapter describes the different types of products you can Setup to sell in an online store and provides step-by-step instructions on how to add products to your store


Go ePower Products - Overview


Manage Products





The Manage Products tab has 8 sub tabs:


Company Products: Products displayed in the Company Products are products that customers want displayed in the catalogue. These products can be either static or variable. Products in the Company Products are used by the shopping cart application


Products By Catalogue: Products displayed in the Catalogue shows how the products will be displayed for the company and their users.


Catalogue Structure: Displays products in the company catalogue. Once a product has been added in the product Setup the product can be displayed for any of the producers companies


Products Inventory: If products are inventoried in the product setup the product will be displayed here. Inventory can be updated here as well as in the product Setup.


Edit Price Sets: The prices that you associate in this area are the prices you are charging your customers.( If this site is intended for internal use, then you may not want to include pricing.) You can set rules here that can be used across multiple items.


Public Notes: Public Notes allow you to display instructions for ordering and producing products. Public Notes can be used across multiple items.


Public Products: A Public Product is a combination of PRINT and Added Services.

There are two major types of print in the application:

1.By Page Print (Standard: Letter, Legal, Custom Sizes….)

2.By Area Print (Wide Format)


Public products are displayed in the create Job menu, Public products do not use the shopping cart application. Public products have 4 sub categories: Job Types, Job services, Job Pricing and Price matrix, these are described in the Public product section.


The company can be Setup to sell several different types of products including static documents, dynamic documents and promotional items.


Company Products


Products displayed in the Company Products are products that customers want displayed in the catalogue. These products can be either static or variable. Products in the Company Products are used by the shopping cart application