Managing Go ePower Users

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Managing Go ePower Users

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Chapter 5: Managing Go ePower Users


Once you have created a company you must create a user for that company.


Please note that if you have no companies Setup in your producer profile you will not be able to create a user.


Go ePower users are organized in a hierarchical structure, which includes the following roles:


Customer (a user in a Company)

          A role that is given to a standard user of a company that has a site with a certain your store

          A customer can

          1. Browse the company catalogue,

          2. Customize products

          3. Add products to cart

          4. Place an order

          5. Browse old orders and reorder them

          6. Manage own assets




 Is a second level Gatekeeper for a company. After the gatekeeper releases the order then it is up to the dealer to release when enabled in the company settings.


Gatekeeper (can be any of the above)

Has one major task: Release orders to production or cancel them. For companies that do not allow users to place orders directly. A gatekeeper is required to release or cancel the order every time an order is placed. A gatekeeper cannot place orders unless he has the customer role checked as well.


Generic: Multi users using the same name. Generic users cannot browse old orders or change orders.


Group Gatekeeper (as oppose to Gatekeeper)


Gatekeeper can approve all orders in a company while Group Gatekeeper can approve orders placed by members of groups he or she is a member of. If Gatekeeper is selected Customer should also be selected.


Group Manager (as opposed to just Manager)


Manager can add/edit all company users while Group Manager can add/edit users that are members of groups he or she is a member of. Manager also has acess to company address and assets.



Guest Role allow users to log-in to a site as guests, where they can add products to cart but to actually place orders they need to log-in with at least a Customer Role.


Only producers and administrators can add this Role.




 Reserved for future use.


Manager (a user in a Company)

          Performs the same tasks as a customer plus

a.Manage Users of his/her company (Add/Edit/Deactivate)

b.Manage Company Assets in addition to his/her own


A Partner of a company is a producer who has partnered with other producers allowing him to collect revenues from all the producers he has partnered with for a particular company.


A printer is a producer who does not have typical producer privileges, a Printer can download job files but cannot create a job and does not have administration functions. An example of a printer could be a company the producer has outsourced a job to.


A user that has product permissions can create and manage products for that company they can not see other companies and can only see products in the back end


Create Job


          Users that can only access the public section of a site (Usually a Producer (store) site)

          They have no cart; they can order one job at a time.

         Create Job must also be selected for the user to see public products