Creating a Static Document

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Creating a Static Document

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Creating a Static document


Static documents are basic documents that contain no variable data. To create a Static document:


1.From the Backend Menu Select Products>Company Products.

2.Select the company that  will own the product from the Company dropdown list


Company dropdown


3.Click on the Add New Product link to open the product Setup window.

4.Type in the name of the product (required)

5.Type a SKU (required)

6.From the dropdown menu select the product type. For this exercise select static, other options will be explained under the other product types later in this manual.

7.Click the Save Button at the top of the page.

8.The Product Details form will be displayed

Product Detail form



9.Fill in the product form as required (see table below for explanation of fields)


Figure 84 Main Product Form


(* Required) Name of the product.


(* Required) SKU Number


Description of the product. It appears in any or all the following locations:

1.In the Product catalogue (depending on the selected Layout

2.In the Abstract Page

3.In the Product Detail Page

Product Type

One of the following options:

1. Associate

2. PDFLib Blocks

3. Estimate

4. Form

5. Proof

4. Public

5. Quote

6. Static (Default)

7. Upload

8. XMPie


Price Show Method

The method selected to display quantity and price, it can be one of the following:

1.Text Box (Default) –  User enters a number for quantity

2.Dropdown List – User selects from predefined quantities

3.Radio Button List – User selects from predefined quantities

Setup Price

Setup or handling fee (Default:  0)

Display Price:

Display Product price, if unchecked price of the product will not display. (Default: Checked)

Setup Price

Amount noted here is charged in addition to the price per unit.

Set Size

Prevents users from entering obscure numbers for quantities. For example, for a business card set this value to 250, users then can only select multiple of 250. (Default: 1)

Ready to Order

This product can be ordered only if this option is checked. This is usually used to prevent users from ordering if the product requires changes or if it is not ready yet. (Default: Checked)


Deactivate products using this option (Default: Checked)

10.The Static product is the default, so there is no need to change the product type, other product types will be explained later.

11.Once the product is saved using the Insert button, new fields will appear. .

12.At this point we are ready to associate the product with an image. Prepare a valid image of relatively any size (relatively large 400x400 or more), allowed formats are jpg, gif, bmp, png, tif.

13.Click the Select button next to Product Image field, and select the image you prepared.

14.Click the Update button at the top. The application will create two thumbnails, large and small using the predefined sizes.

15.A preview file of any type can be associated with this product (usually a PDF file). Simply click the Select button next to the Preview/Structure and select the file to upload.


Product Setup


In the Product Setup page you can alter settings you selected when you Setup the product. You can upload images to display your product, customize or personalize their product and Upload a Structure for variable products or help files to assist your customers with the producing the product.



Product Setup page



Once you have Setup basic information on a product and saved it you can select an image to display your product.


To Upload an image:


1.Click the Select button next to the Product Image and browse your computer for the image you want displayed.



Fill in the fields as appropriate see the table below for details:


Display Price Table

Display All prices for the product in a table form (Default: Unchecked)

Show Totals in Table

Show total prices in the Price table and not price of one or one set (Default: Unchecked)

Show Availability

Show available inventory (Default: Unchecked)


If checked, the system will keep track of inventory (Default: Unchecked)


Available quantity in stock (Default: 0)

Re-Order Quantity

When this quantity is reached, an email notification is sent to producer (Default: 0)


Weight of products, to be used for shipping.

Large Thumbnail Size

Maximum size of the large thumbnail of a product in pixels (Default : Company settings, usually starts with 240)

Note To Printer

Note displayed to the printer in Job details when processing the Product


Once you have selected your image and completed the options click update to save.

Important, the image thumbnail will be created at the time of uploading. The size of the thumbnail is specified in the company settings.