Public Products

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Public Products

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Public Products


A Public Product is a combination of PRINT and Added Services.

There are two major types of print in the application:


By Page Print (Standard: Letter, Legal, Custom Sizes….)

By Area Print (Wide Format)


Public Products are displayed in the create Job menu, Public products do not use the shopping cart application and have 4 sub categories: Job Types, Job services, Job Pricing and Price matrix.


When you first go to Create New Job there are no jobs listed, all Job Types and Job Services must be created, this section describes the steps required to Setup a service in the Create Jobs section.

Show Public Products


In order for Public products to display for a company you must make sure that Show Public products are checked in the company’s options.


To allow enable Public Products for a company:


1.Select Manage Company’s on the main menu.

2.Click the edit Icon next to the company you want to display a Public Product

3.On the details page Select Show Public Product

4.Click Update to save the change.


The Create New Jobs tab will now be displayed in the Main Menu.