Proof Product

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Proof Product


Proof Product


A Proof product allows producers to receive files from customers and return a proof and pricing back to the customer.  Customers can then order the product or make further changes to the product before ordering


To create a Proof product:


1.From the Backend Menu Select Products>Company Products.

2.Select the company that  will own the product from the Company dropdown list

3.Click on the Add New Product link to open the product Setup window.

4.Type in the name of the product (required)

5.Type a SKU (required)

6.From the dropdown menu select the product type. Select Proof, other options are explained under the other product types later in this manual.

7.Click the Save Button at the top of the page.

8.The Product Details form will be displayed.

9.Fill in the product form as required.

10.Click Save.

11.Click the Design button on the top left of the page.

12. The design page will appear.

13.Select the Send to Method:

Customer to Producer:        allow a customer to create a product and send to the Producer. Producer  can then review files, edit files, add pricing and quantity and send back to customer for approval.

Customers Collaboration: Allows customers to create a product and send to other users in the company for further input on the product before submitting.

Producer to customer: Producer creates a product with pricing and sending  and sends it to the  user for proofing and ordering.

14.Select Users List Type (only displayed  when Customer Collaboration or Producer to customer is selected):

a.Select by list – allows you to check off the users to collaborate on the product.

b.Select by group – allows groups to collaborate on the product.

15.Click to check the boxes next to the users who will be collaborating on this product.

16.Select the rest of the options as follows:

a.Show Quantity On Open: Check if you want quantity displayed when the product is opened

b.Show Quantity On Postback: Check if you want the quantity displayed.

c.Show Price On Postback: Check if you want pricing displayed.

d.Allow Saving: Check if you want to allow saving.

e.Show Place Order Button Initially: Check if you want to allow the product to be ordered when first initiated.

f.Notes Editor Tool Bar: Select Basic Tool bar, Standard or Full Set.