Editing a User

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Editing a User

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Editing a User

After you have created a user you can edit information, settings or access the users information  you can do so by clicking the edit icon next to the user on the Manage users page.


Modifying a User


Once users and companies are Setup you can modify users options such as Shipping and Billing options.


The More Options page displays User Names, First Name, Last Name, Company, Bypass Shipping, Bypass Shipping Address, Ship by Address Book, Ship By Manuel Entry and Bypass Billing.


To access the More Options screen and modify Shipping and Billing options for a single user or multi users:


1.From the Backend Menu click on Manage> Manage Users>Add/Edit Users.


2.Click the More Options link on the top right of the page


Manage Users More Options


Bypass Shipping, Bypass Shipping Address, Ship by Address Book, Ship By Manuel Entry and Bypass Billing can be changed in this screen.


To Modify Users:


1. Select the user(s) you want to modify by clicking the Select Box next to the user(s) name.


2  .On the Modify Select Users Options box change the options you want to modify using the drop       down menus next to the options.


3 .Click Update to save the changes