Job Type

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Job Type

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Job Type


This page is used to create estimate and public products as well as entries to Create New Job option where, normally, users upload files to be printed. Producers create a template for the product. The Job type depends on selecting Colour type that will determine what Price Matrix to select. After selecting the Price Matrices, Producers add the necessary added services with their pricing. 



Public productclip0493


Job Types: Type of Job offered i.e. magazine or brochure


Job services: Options that are associated with the  jobs types that are available, i.e. stapling, punching


Job Pricing: Pricing for the job services


Price matrix: Pricing for the job excluding the job services


To create a Job Type:


1.From the Main Menu select Manage Products>Public Products> Job Types.


Public Products/Job Types



2.Click on Add new job type link to access the Manage Job Types screen.


Manage Job Types screen



Fill in the parameters as follows:


Job Type: Internal name or code of the product, this is used when adding such product to a company catalogue


Job Type name: The name displayed for the user to see


Description: Description of the product (optional)


Enable Upload: (Yes / No) – Ask users to upload a file


Show Public: Check if you want the product allowed to all your companies that have Create A Job enabled


Include Price Matrix: Follow a certain price matrix for this product. A price matrix is defined for each type of Print. For example, a matrix is defined for Letter size paper with colour print. The price matrix in this case requires number of pages and copies to find the price.


Option: Click on the drop down menu and select the option you are offering with this job type

Colour: will display Colour option only

Black and White: will display Black and White only

Colour and Black and White: will display both options to the customer to pick from.

Wide Format: will show Wide format option only.


3.Click “Insert” to save the new Job Type.

4.Associate a thumbnail to this Job Type, click the clip0496 icon to edit the entry and use the upload feature to upload a web image (.png, .jpg, .gif).


Note: Go ePower makes no attempt is made to resize this thumbnail.


Associate a thumbnail to Job Type,



5.Add a Thumbnail to display an image to represent your product by clicking select and browsing your computer for the image and click Update.



Delete Thumbnail


If you wish to change a Thumbnail that you have already uploaded Click the edit icon clip0498 and select the Delete Thumbnail link.



Create a Child Record for Job Types - Service


Once you have Setup Job Type, Job Services, Job Service Pricing and Pricing Matrix you can create Child Records for your Job types to associate the Services and pricing to the Job.


To create Child records for Job Types


1.From the Backend Menu select Products> Public Product> Job Type.

2.Click the expand folder icon clip0499next to service you are creating the record for.


Child records for Job Types



3.Click on the Add new service detail link.

4.Select a service to offer with this job from the drop down menu.


Add new service detail



5.Click the insert icon clip0502 to add the record.


Selecting services (children of Job Types) for the new Job Type


To Select Services for Job Types:

1.Expand the New Job Type clicking the expand icon clip0503 the left of the name, this will reveal the option to add Service.

3.Click Add Service and select a service from the dropdown list.


Any number of services can be added this way. Each service will appear as a separate Wizard page to the customer (controlled by Previous and Next buttons)


Important Note: The above steps are all that is needed to add a Job Type but some of the information that we simply selected above need to be created before hand, i.e. the price matrix for different paper sizes as well as the services and their details and pricing.